NCT03689595: PROMISE - Predicting Progression of Developing MM in a High-Risk Screened Population
Updated: Sep 24, 2022
NCT03689595: PROMISE - Predicting Progression of Developing MM in a High-Risk Screened Population

The PROMISE Study aims to establish a prospective cohort of individuals with precursor conditions to multiple myeloma, such as monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM). We will study these patients as a means to identify risk factors for progression to symptomatic multiple myeloma.
Collaborator Identifier: NCT03689595
Official Title: Predicting Progression of Developing Myeloma in a High-Risk Screened Population (PROMISE)
First Posted : September 28, 2018
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The PCROWD Study invites people with precursor conditions to Share samples a few times each year
IMPACT Study: The Immune Profiling with Antibody-based COVID-19 Testing (IMPACT) study
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The Promise Study: How a Blood Test Can Detect, Intercept, and Potentially Eliminate Cancer
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Jan 31, 2022
Learn more:
Dr. Irene Ghobrial | CPOP | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana-Farber’s Center for the Prevention of Progression (CPOP)
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Learn more:
MGUS/Smoldering Myeloma PCrowd Study by Dr. Irene Ghobrial
Myeloma Crowd by HealthTree
- Massachusetts: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Cancer Center Boston
152 High Prevalence of Monoclonal Gammopathy in a Population at Risk: The First Results of the Promise Study
Program: Oral and Poster Abstracts
Type: Oral
Session: 652. Multiple Myeloma and Plasma cell Dyscrasias: Clinical and Epidemiological: Monoclonal Gammopathies of Determined Significance: What We Have and What We Want
Hematology Disease Topics & Pathways:
Adults, Plasma Cell Disorders, Clinically Relevant, Diseases, Disparities, Lymphoid Malignancies, Technology and Procedures, Study Population, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Clinical Practice (e.g. Guidelines, Health Outcomes and Services, and Survivorship, Value; etc.), Serologic Tests
Saturday, December 11, 2021: 12:15 PM
Prevalence of monoclonal gammopathies and clinical outcomes in a high-risk US population screened by mass spectrometry: a multicentre cohort study
Lancet Haematol; 2022
Click here for details