NCT02252172 : Phase 3 - Dara, Lena & Dex VS Len & Dex in previously untreated Myeloma - MAIA STUDY
The MAIA Study NCT02252172: Phase 3: Study Comparing Daratumumab, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone With Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone in...
Dec 12, 2014

NCT02316106: Phase 2 - A Study to Evaluate 3 Dose Schedules of Daratumumab in SMM - CENTAURUS
CENTAURUS A Study to Evaluate 3 Dose Schedules of Daratumumab in Participants With Smoldering Multiple Myeloma The purpose of this study...
Dec 12, 2014

NCT02315716: Phase 2 -Carfilzomib/Cyclophosphamide/Dex With Maint. Carfilzomib - NDMM Cardamon Study
Cardamon Study KCd Carfilzomib/Cyclophosphamide/Dexamethasone With Maintenance Carfilzomib in Multiple Myeloma (Cardamon) The Cardamon...
Dec 10, 2014

NCT02312258: Phase 3: TOURMALINE-MM4 - Oral Ixazomib Maintenance Therapy in NDMM-TIE
TOURMALINE-MM4 Trial NCT02312258: Phase 3: A Study of Oral Ixazomib Maintenance Therapy in Participants With Newly Diagnosed Multiple...
Dec 9, 2014

Prospective Research Assessment in Multiple Myeloma: An Observational Evaluation (PREAMBLE)
Prospective Research Assessment in Multiple Myeloma: An Observational Evaluation (PREAMBLE) The purpose of this study is to assess the...
Dec 12, 2013

NCT01568866: Phase 3 - Carfilzomib and Dex Vs Bortezomib & Dex for Relapsed Myeloma (ENDEAVOR)
The ENDEAVOR Trial KD Vs Vd The primary objective of this study was to compare progression-free survival in patients with multiple...
Dec 12, 2012

NCT01080391: Comparing Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide & Dex (CRd) vs Lenalidomide and Dex (Rd) - ASPIRE
THE ASPIRE TRIAL Phase 3 Study Comparing Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone (CRd) vs Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone (Rd) in...
Dec 10, 2010

NCT00689936: Phase 3 - Lenalidomide+low dose dex vs Melphalan, Prednisone, Thalidomide in NDMM FIRST
FIRST study IFM 07-01 CC-5013-MM020 Study to Determine Efficacy and Safety of Lenalidomide Plus Low-dose Dexamethasone Versus Melphalan,...
Dec 14, 2008

NCT00747877: Phase 3: HDM and second HSCT or Low dose Dex in Myeloma RRMM - Myeloma X Relapse
Myeloma X Relapse NCT00747877: Phase 3: HDM and second HSCT or Low dose Dex in Multiple Myeloma RRMM - Myeloma X Relapse Time Frame:...
Dec 10, 2008

NCT00424047: Phase 3 - CC-5013 (lenalidomide) Dex Vs Dex Alone Previously Treated Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma (010) MM-010 NCT00424047: A Study of CC-5013 Plus Dexamethasone Versus Dexamethasone Alone in Previously Treated...
Dec 14, 2007

NCT00405756: Phase 3 - A Study to Compare MPR With MP in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Subjects
MM-015 study NCT00405756 A Study to Compare MPR With MP in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Subjects 65 Years Old or Older. The purpose...
Dec 7, 2006

NCT00111319: Phase 3 : VELCADE/Melphalan/Prednisone Versus Melphalan/Prednisone in NDMM
Phase 3 VISTA Study phase III VISTA trial (Velcade As Initial Standard Therapy in Multiple Myeloma: Assessment With Melphalan and...
Dec 9, 2005