NCT04483206: Phase 1: Personalized Autologous Transplant for Multiple Myeloma
NCT04483206: Phase 1: Personalized Autologous Transplant for Multiple Myeloma Personalized Autologous Transplant for Multiple Myeloma...
Dec 1, 2020

NCT03562169: Phase 3: Ixazomib in Autologous Stem Cell Transplant in RRMM Myeloma XII (ACCoRd)
NCT03562169: Phase 3: The Role of Ixazomib in Autologous Stem Cell Transplant in Relapsed Myeloma - Myeloma XII (ACCoRd) NCT03562169:...
Dec 20, 2018

NCT03412565: Phase 2 - Subcutaneous Daratumumab in Combination With Standard MM Regimens - PLEIADES
PLEIADES study A Study to Evaluate Subcutaneous Daratumumab in Combination With Standard Multiple Myeloma Treatment Regimen MMY2040...
Dec 14, 2018

Ph 2: Carfilzomib & lenalidomide-based treatment for newly diagnosed primary plasma cell leukemia
EMN12/HOVON129 Study Phase 2: To evaluate progression-free survival in adult pPCL patients by incorporation of carfilzomib and...
Dec 9, 2015

NCT02197221: Phase 3: Bortezomib-Melphalan Conditioning Regimen vs Melphalan - Frontline Transplant
IFM2014-02 NCT02197221: Phase 3: Bortezomib-Melphalan Conditioning Regimen vs Melphalan for Frontline Transplant Eligible Patients With...
Dec 17, 2014

NCT02195479 : A Phase 3, Study of Bortezomib, Melphalan, Prednisone & Daratumumab ALCYONE trial
ALCYONE trial NCT02195479: Phase 3: A Study of Combination of Daratumumab and Velcade (Bortezomib) Melphalan-Prednisone (DVMP) Compared...
Dec 12, 2014

NCT01916252: Phase 3 - Bortezomib, Lenalidomide & IV Busulfan Under 65 - (GEM2012MENOS65) PETHEMA
Phase III study PETHEMA (GEM2012MENOS65) GEM12 MENOS65 PETHEMA/GEM Spanish Myeloma Group GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma)/PETHEMA (Programa...
Dec 5, 2013

NCT01729091: Phase 2: Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived NK Cells, Elotuzumab, Len, Melphalan f/b ASCT
NCT01729091: Phase 2: Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Natural Killer Cells, Elotuzumab, Lenalidomide, and High Dose Melphalan, Followed by...
Dec 13, 2012

NCT01208766: Phase 3 - EMN02 - Compare VMP With HDM f/b VRD Consol & Lenalidomide Maint. NDMM (HO95)
The EMN02/HOVON95 trial (EMN02/HO95): a multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 3 study Study to Compare VMP With HDM Followed by VRD...
Dec 18, 2010

GMMG phase III trial ReLApsE Salvage autologous transplant and lenalidomide maintenance vs. len-Dex
Time Frame: 2010 and 2016 Salvage autologous transplant and lenalidomide maintenance vs. lenalidomide/dexamethasone for relapsed multiple...
Dec 17, 2010

NCT01093196: Phase 3: EMN01- Len/Dex Vs Melphalan/Pred/Len Vs Cyclophosamide/Pred/Len - elderly NDMM
EMN01 European Myeloma Network Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma NCT01093196: Phase 3: Len and Dex Vs Melphalan Prednisone and Len Vs...
Dec 16, 2010

NCT01191060: Phase 3 - IFM 2009 - (IFM/DFCI2009) Conventional dose RVD to High-Dose + ASCT -NDMM
IFM 2009 IFM/DFCI2009 The Intergroupe Francophone du Myelome 2009 trial Study Comparing Conventional Dose Combination RVD to High-Dose...
Dec 3, 2010

NCT01190787: Phase 2: EMN - Velcade/Melphalan/Pred or Velcade/Cycloposphamide/Pred or Velcade/Pred.
EMN - European Myeloma Network Subcutaneous Velcade Plus Oral Melphalan and Prednisone or Plus Cycloposphamide and Prednisone or Plus...
Dec 3, 2010
NCT00734877: UARK 2013-13, Total Therapy 4B - Formerly 2008-01 - A Phase III Trial for Low Risk Myel
Toward improving the therapeutic index of standard TT3 (S-TT3), the investigators will employ a randomized Phase III trial design to...
Dec 29, 2008

NCT00689936: Phase 3 - Lenalidomide+low dose dex vs Melphalan, Prednisone, Thalidomide in NDMM FIRST
FIRST study IFM 07-01 CC-5013-MM020 Study to Determine Efficacy and Safety of Lenalidomide Plus Low-dose Dexamethasone Versus Melphalan,...
Dec 14, 2008

NCT00747877: Phase 3: HDM and second HSCT or Low dose Dex in Myeloma RRMM - Myeloma X Relapse
Myeloma X Relapse NCT00747877: Phase 3: HDM and second HSCT or Low dose Dex in Multiple Myeloma RRMM - Myeloma X Relapse Time Frame:...
Dec 10, 2008

NCT00602641: Phase 3: Melphalan, Prednisone, and Thalidomide or Lenalidomide in NDMM Myeloma
ECOG-E1A06 ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group NCT00602641: Phase 3: Melphalan, Prednisone, and Thalidomide or Lenalidomide in Treating...
Dec 6, 2008

NCT00573391: Phase 3: Study of Multiple Myeloma Patients Relapsing or Progressing After ASCT -TT2
NCT00573391: Phase 3: Study of Multiple Myeloma Patients Relapsing or Progressing After Autologous Transplantation on Total Therapy 2...
Dec 7, 2007

NCT00507416: Phase 3: Velcade,Thalidomide, Dexamethasone Vs Velcade, Dexamethasone Vs VMP (UPFRONT)
UPFRONT NCT00507416: Phase 3: Velcade,Thalidomide, and Dexamethasone Versus Velcade and Dexamethasone Versus Velcade, Melphalan, and...
Dec 6, 2007